3 Things Generation Z Asks of Their Leaders

Imagine a potential candidate being interviewed for a job in a company. After a great interview, he asks the company, “What can I expect from you? How will you make this a good working environment for me?” Unexpected, right? But it is a question that needs to be asked. The world is changing, and the people are too. It is not just going to be Boomers and Millennials in the workplace anymore. Studies show that in 2020, 36% of the workforce were Generation Z and 40% in 2021. The time is upon us, and we need to make sure the workplace is fit for future employees.

So, what does the future workforce expect from their leaders? Here are 3 things:

1. Tech Savy 

Gen Z understands not everyone had the luxury of technology their whole lives. However, that does not excuse a leader to be technologically ignorant. In fact, since majority of their work force will consist of Gen Z, companies need to step up their game towards understanding the latest advancements in technology, and the advantages they have access to when used correctly. If you find yourself in this predicament, start off small by creating a webpage for your company so that the company has a face in the virtual world

2. Opportunity 

A job to Gen Z is not just a job that pays the bills. It is a chance for intentional growth, correction, and promotion. As a manager and leader, you know you need to communicate with your workers on a regular basis. You will find that Gen Z is at their peak performance level when there is regular communication and engagement regarding their projects and tasks. Simple ways to integrate this practice into your workplace is by giving them credit for their work and offering constructive feedback. You probably already do this, but it is even more important now to do this with Gen Z, because they will use what they are learning from your guidance to help advance the company

3. Flexibility 

Do not worry. It is still common to have the typical 9-to-5 work schedule. However, Gen Z has some conditions. Given the fact that life moves at a faster and more stressful rate, Gen Z relies heavily on a balance work-life relationship. If they call in for a mental health day, they expect understanding and for you to adjust around their absence accordingly. Implementing this into your company can be as simple as broadening what is considered a sick day. Consider the allotted days off and allow those days to be used as needed for mental health days. Because, let us be honest, everyone has those days.

Remember that Gen Z is of a different era. They have different needs and a distinct work ethic in comparison to previous generations. Always keep an open mind and listen; and in return you will have a great workforce.



Craen, Luc. Generation Z: Addressing Leadership Challenges, Business School – Business Trends, 2 Apr. 2019, www.euruni.edu/blog/generation-z-adressing-leadership-challenges/.

Gayle, Laura. “How Generation Z Is Transforming the Workplace.” Financial Executives, FEI     Daily, 22 Aug. 2019, www.financialexecutives.org/FEI-Daily/August-2019/How Generation-Z-Is-Transforming-the     Workplace.aspx#:~:text=That%20being%20said%2C%20Gen%20Z,business%20can%           0afford%20to%20ignore.

Kislik, Liz. “Leaders, This Is How To Work With Gen Z Employees.” Forbes, Forbes, 16 July 2020, www.forbes.com/sites/lizkislik/2020/07/16/leaders-this-is-how-to-work-with-gen-z-employees/?sh=2bd71c812b63.

McLaren, Samantha. 6 Gen Z Traits You Need to Know to Attract, Hire, and Retain Them, Linkedin Talent Blog, 9 Oct. 2019, business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/blog/hiring-generation-z/2019/how-to-hire-and-retain-generation-z.